Aravaipa Learning Community Syllabus


GEO101                                                                                              Fall 2007                     

MAT082, 086, 092 or 121                                                                 6-7 Credits    

MAT and GEO MW 10:00 – 3:00 p.m.                                                Aravaipa Room G3

Instructors: Shay Cardell and Maren Wilson                                      

First Day of Class: 8/20/07                                                                  

Last Day of Class: 12/12/07



MW 3:00-4:00 Other hours by appointment

Room G3

Phone: 866-869-6507 (ext. 2857) or 357-2857


Maren’s phone numbers

1-866-869-6507 (ext. 2825) or 520-357-2825 or (home) 520-896-9369

Web Pages:      Shay Cardell

Learning Community



Materials Needed:

            Scientific Calculator

            3-ring (loose-leaf) notebook


Educational Philosophy:

Students learn best when they are actively involved in class activities.  Students will participate in assignments that make connections between school and the real world.  Group work on assignments will help students to cooperate to solve problems.



Participation includes attendance and contributions to class activities.  Document your attendance by signing in each day.  Do your share in group and class activities.  If a student is more than 1/2 hour late to class or leaves more than 1/2 hour early, he/she will be considered absent for that class.  If a student is under a 1/2 hour late three times it counts as one absence. In-class participation cannot be made up.


Classwork and Homework:  Specified classwork and homework will be collected and graded.  Homework assigned during a class is due at the next class session unless otherwise specified.  Students who have excused absences will have two class days for every one class day of absence to make up homework.


Makeup Assignments: Makeup assignments will be posted on the Learning Community web page.  If you are absent you must complete the makeup assignments for the day you are absent in addition to the regular assignment for that day.


Help: Tutors will be available to help you.  Computer tools, practice programs, videotapes, and reference textbooks are available in the library and math classroom.



Notebooks:  Keep a well organized, loose-leaf notebook containing your notes and assignments.  Write the date and title of each assignment at the top of the first page of each notebook entry.  Notebooks should contain class notes, assignments, and journal entries.  All notebook entries must be corrected, complete, and well organized.


Project: You will work with other students in your group to complete and present group projects.



            90% - 100% plus at least a 70% average for each of the categories below                    A

                                                plus at least 70% on quizzes in math for math class and

                                                at least 70% on any quizzes in geography for geography class 

            80% - 89% plus at least a 70% average for each of the categories below                      B

                                    plus at least 70% on quizzes in math for math class and

                                                at least 70% on any quizzes in geography for geography class 

            70% - 79% plus at least a 70% average for each of the categories below                      C

                                    plus at least 70% on quizzes in math for math class and

                                                at least 60% on any quizzes in geography for geography class 

            60% - 69%                                                                                                      D

            Below 60%                                                                                                      F

            W = withdraw

            I = Incomplete


Math: Attendance 10% Geography:  Attendance 10%

If the student is absent for any part of the day, attendance for both the learning community courses (Mathematics and Geography) is 0 for the day.


Math: Participation 10%                       Geography: Participation 10%

The students must participate in all the class activities, as this is an integrated learning community.  Grading criteria for participation include such things as coming prepared, demonstrating expected familiarity with the material, helping other students learn, listening to the instructors and fellow students, contributing to whole-class and group discussions, staying on task, etc.  The instructors will collaboratively assign a participation score, which will be the same for both courses the student is enrolled in. Participation cannot be made up.


Math: Assignments 50%           Geography:  Assignments 50%

Keep completed assignments in a loose-leaf notebook.  Make sure your name and the date is on the assignment sheet.  Subject areas will be graded separately for the assignments and an average grade of 70% on the assignments will be necessary to receive a C or above for each subject area.  In addition, to receive a grade of C or above for the math class in which you are enrolled, you must have an average of 70% or above on the math quizzes and tests. To receive a grade of C or above for the geography you must have an average of 70% or above on the geography quizzes and tests.


Math: Quizzes 20%

To do well on quizzes, keep good notes during the lesson and review your notes after class each day. If you find you have forgotten or do not understand something ask questions during or outside of class.  Try to understand the math rather than just memorize the steps. Be sure to complete all makeup work for absences as soon as possible after you return to class. To allow for absences due to unavoidable circumstances, the lowest three quiz grades will be dropped from the final average.  There is no makeup for quizzes.  Missed quizzes will receive a grade of zero.


Math: Major Projects or Presentations 10%     

Geography: Major Projects or Presentations: 30%

Some projects/presentations may be individual and some may be group. It is possible for an individual to earn a grade higher or lower than the other group members.  Sometimes groups will be involved in evaluating their group members’ performance/contributions to projects or presentations.


Math Level:  This class is a prerequisite for the following math class. A student must acquire all course outcomes for the math level in which he/she is enrolled in order to progress to the next math level. The math grade and credits will be based on the level at which competencies have been achieved.


Course Standards:  The college learning model is based on the assumption that students are adequately prepared for each course and they will satisfy all prerequisites.  Students are graded on achievement rather than effort.


Central Arizona College trusts that each student will maintain high standards of honesty and ethical behavior.  All assignments are meant to represent the effort of each individual student and group activities will be graded in accordance with the assignment and performance of each group member.


Reasonable Accommodations:  CAC seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all qualified individuals with disabilities.  This College will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity.  It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor or a counselor in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations.  You can also contact the Special Needs Coordinator at 520-426-4409.  All information will be kept confidential.


Note:  This syllabus is subject to change as the class progresses, based upon the capabilities and progress of students in the class each semester.


Additional attachment:  GEO 101 Official Course Outline