Aravaipa Learning Community
Monday, August 20 SK: Breakfast SS: Video on Body Art MA: Math Icebreaker |
Wednesday, August 22 SS: Library Research Orientation MA: Number Systems and Operations A: Number
Operations |
August 27 SK: Shared Vision, Syllabus SS: Library Research Orientation MA: Metric System B: Patterns and
Functions |
Wednesday, August 29 SS: Intro to Geography, Writing Sample Library Research
Reports MA: Metric System Lab |
September 3 Labor
Day - No Classes |
Wednesday, September 5 SS: Video on Cultural Geography MA: LD50 Calculations A: Fractions – Add and Subtract B: Metric Model |
Monday, September 10 SK: Computer Skills SS: Cultural Concept Map MA: LD50 Calculations A: Fractions –
Multiply and Divide B: Life Expectancy
Model |
Wednesday, September 12 SS: MA: LD50 Calculations A: Decimals B: Distance
Learning Model |
Monday, September 17 SS: Geography Intro Video, Sustainability MA: Metric System
Conversions A: Metric Ruler,
Fraction to Decimal B: |
Wednesday, September 19 SS: Mound Builders Video MA: Water Use Calculations A: Fractions – Area B: Water Use Model |
Monday, September 24 SS: Mound Builders Discussion, Verifying Sources of
Information MA: Electricity Use
Calculations A: Area Measurement B: Electrical
Energy Models |
Wednesday, September 26 SS: Guest Speaker: Jim Lamb Cherokees MA: Electricity Use
Calculations A: Percent Water on
Earth, Pie Plates B: Scientific
Notation, Paper Tearing |
Monday, October 1 SK: Early Registration SS: Rain Forest Video, PLATO MA: A: Math Level Assessment B: Math Level
Assessment |
Wednesday, October 3 SS: Material World MA: How Much Space A: Polygon Area,
Geoboard Areas B: Finish San Pedro
& Energy Models |
Monday, October 8 Midterm
Week SS: EcoFootprints, Guest Speaker: MA: Earth Population
Model, Lilypond |
Wednesday, October 10 SS: Population Bomb Video; Prep for Cultural Fair MA: Country Population
Project, Powers of Ten Video, Lilypond, , Earth Pop Video |
Aravaipa Learning Community
Weekly Schedule
Monday, October 15 Spring
Registration Begins SS: |
October 17 SS:
Cultural Fair Debrief, Population Video MA: Country Population
Project Debrief A: Area of Circle, Volume B: Logarithms |
Monday, October 22 SS:
Camp Grant Field Trip Makeup |
Wednesday, October 24 SS:
Nature Trail MA: Prep San Pedro Field
Trip: Circle C/D, Percent Canopy, Protocol, Water Testing, Large Numbers |
Monday, October 29 MA/SS: Dilution Demonstraton, percent ratio, Water Testing,
Temperature Conversions, San Pedro Field Trip prep and protocol |
Wednesday, October 31 SS: Wildlife Research
Groups, San Pedro River Research, Plant Identification |
Monday, November 5 MA/SS: San Pedro Field Trip and Guest Speaker on Biodiversity and
Land Use |
Wednesday, November 7 MA: A: Volume lab B: Coin Drop, Half Life of Pollutants All: System Dynamic Model |
Monday, November 12 Veterans
Day – No Class |
Wednesday, November 14 MA/SS: Introduction to
Statistics, Using Excel for Statistics A: Weighted Average B: Exponential Decay |
Monday, November 19 SS:
Guest Speaker: MA: A: Signed Numbers B: Bacteria
Exponential Model Bacteria Graph and Virus Lab |
Wednesday, November 21 SS:
Highway Cleanup Garbology MA: A: Solving Equations B: Linear Systems |
(28) Monday, November 26 MA: Fishbanks |
(29) Wednesday, November 28 SS:
Fishbanks Debrief MA: Percent Applications |
(30) Monday, December 3 MA: A: Solving Equations B: Linear Systems and Inequalities Percent Change MA/SS: Population Pyramids |
(31) Wednesday, December 5 SS:
Country Simulation MA: Easter Island System
Model Using Computer Math Tools |
This schedule is subject to change as the class progresses.
(32) Monday, December 10 SS:
Water Videos and Discussion MA: Math level assessments |
(33) Wednesday, December 12 SS:
Sustainability Action Plans Videos on Stuff and Sustainability Fly Over U.S.;LCom Videos and Photos Ecology Quiz and Prizes; Potluck |