Central Arizona College Mathematics Department Mission:

  1. 1) Developmental Education: The Mathematics Department at CAC provides developmental courses in mathematics to help students overcome barriers to achieving academic, career, or personal goals.
  2. 2) Occupational/Technical Education: The Mathematics Department at CAC provides courses for certificate programs. These courses offer competency based training to prepare students for employment in business and industry.
  3. 3) Transfer Education: The mathematics Department at CAC provides freshman and sophomore level mathematics courses which meet degree requirements for students transferring to colleges or universities. CAC also provides calculus/differential equations sequence for students wishing to transfer in a degree program requiring more emphasis on mathematics.

Additional Goals at Aravaipa Campus:

To help students to become effective users of math in their roles as students, workers, citizens, and consumers. To provide an quality program in mathematics that upholds national standards for mathematics developed by the following national mathematics associations: American Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Mathematics Association of America (MAA) and American Mathematical Association (AMA). Basic Principles The basic principles for AMATYC standards are as follows: