MAT086                     PREALGEBRA                                 Fall 2007                                     3 Credits


CRN 10058

First Day of Class: 8/20/07                                                      

Final Exam: Must be completed by 12/13/07


Instructor Information

Instructor:  Shay Cardell


Web Page:



Appropriate CAC math placement score –or- grade of “C” or better in MAT082.



Students can choose to purchase MyMathLab Student Access Code package that allows access to the online textbook and course materials OR a printed textbook that includes the MyMathLab Student Access Code package.


Student Access Code package:

ISBN #0-321-19991-X


Printed Textbook: Developmental Mathematics (MAT082/086)
Bittinger, Beecher
Pearson Custom Publishing
ISBN #0-536-38891-1

Course ID: cardell37844


Calculator A scientific calculator is sufficient.  However, a graphing calculator such as the TI-83 is highly recommended.


Instructional Method  Since this is an online class, students will be expected to learn most of the material on their own.  In addition to the textbook and its accompanying CDROM, there are many resources available to help students learn.  The Course Compass web site offers tutorials, online tutoring, and sample tests, as well as study skill tips and links to help with specific math topics.  Through the online discussion group for the class, you can communicate with other students in the class and the instructor.


Communication   You may email me at any time. I check my email at least every 24 hours, but usually more frequently.  It is important that each student check his or her email daily.  It is also important that students make sure that their CAC email is not full.  If it is full, you will not receive any more emails.  On Mondays (or Sunday evenings) I will post our Math Topic Discussion Board topic for the week.


Online Discussion Group

·        If you have a problem that you cannot solve, you may find that another student had the same question and the answer is posted on the Homework Discussion Board .

·        If you find the solution to a difficult problem that you believe would help other students, you may post your solution on the Homework Discussion Board. 

·        You will be required to post a comment or question to the Homework Discussion Board each week.

·        Each week of class, except for exam weeks, you will be expected to complete the assignment on the Math Topic Discussion Board.

·        The deadline for posting a question or comment for credit is Sunday at 11:59 PM.  (This is Arizona time).

·        Late postings may be responded to but will not be accepted for credit.


Help:  To contact an online math tutor email ( or call a math tutor at (480) 677-7745.  Math tutors are available to help you at each campus learning center and math lab. Reference textbooks, computer software and videotapes are available in the library.  I have also posted helpful math sites, tutorials, and tools on my website at



·        A Weekly Schedule of Assignments is posted on the COURSE Documents page. Due dates for online homework (Under DO HOMEWORK) are every Sunday at 11:59 PM (Arizona Time). Read the textbook chapter and work additional problems to gain a mastery of the material before you attempt the graded homework.

·        I strongly encourage you not to wait until Sunday evening to start your online homework assignments, having a deadline that is quickly approaching can make online homework extremely frustrating. 

·        Homework assignments can be frustrating at first as you are learning to use the program.  Expect to spend additional time in the beginning and plan accordingly.  Frustration usually occurs when you know that you are typing in the correct answer and the computer says that it is incorrect.  Unfortunately, the program will not accept your answer unless it is in a form that the program recognizes.   This will become easier over time.  Email me in a situation like this and I can help you sort it out.

·        Additional un-graded practice problems can be found in the textbook and in our class site (Course Compass).  If you go to the Chapter Contents page, select the Chapter that you are looking for extra problems, then select the appropriate section and then select tracked tutorial exercises.

·        If you begin the homework assignment and no problems are appearing, this indicates that you have not loaded the appropriate software.  Return to Announcements and select Installation Wizard.  Follow the steps for loading the software, then restart your computer and try again.  If this does not work email me and I will try to guide you.  If I cannot help you, we will contact Course Compass.  Course Compass has a team with generous office hours (they operate on EST) that will help you to solve technical problems. In the past when I have contacted them they have always come through, their number is 1-800-677-6337.

·        Homework assignments are graded based on the number of problems that you answer correctly.  If you answer a homework problem incorrectly you will receive a red “x” for that exercise.  You may rework incorrect problems until they are correct and the computer will give you a green check once you have answered it correctly.



·        There will be 2 in-person exams given during the semester.  All students must take both exams.  These exams will take place the 8th and 17th  week of class. The dates for these exams can be found under the Course Documents tab in the Schedule of Weekly Assignments document. 

·        Mark your calendars with the dates of the exams and the times that your CAC campus offers testing during the appropriate week and plan accordingly.

·        You may bring a calculator to each exam and a 5X8 formula card.

·        Picture ID will be required.

·        Although test times may vary, please allow at least two hours for your exam.  You will need a calculator for most exams.

·        Always call ahead to the testing site to be sure it will be open before you go to the site.

·        The exams will be cumulative in nature, but will emphasize the most recent material.

·        Exams may be taken twice and the higher score will count.

·        In the event that a student misses an exam, the following exam will count double.  There are no make-ups for missed exams.  It is important that every student takes his or her exams in the week that it is assigned.  If an exam is missed contact me as soon as possible.  This puts pressure on the student for the following exam, as the information becomes more difficult as time goes on.  The final exam is necessary for all students, it cannot be made up and there is no exam following it.



Online Gradebook

There is an online gradebook at the CourseCompass site where you can see the results of your online homework assignments.


Grading Policy:


Your grade percentage will be calculated based on the following percentages:


            Homework                               30%

            Discussion boards                     10%

            Exams                                      60%    

            Total                                      100 %



Your semester grade will be assigned based on the following scale:


            90% - 100%                A        

            80% - 89%                  B

            70% - 79%                  C

            60% - 69%                  D

            Below 60%                  F


Note:  This syllabus is subject to change as the class progresses, based upon the capabilities and progress of students in the class each semester.  If the syllabus changes, I will post an announcement and the new copy online.