First Day of Class:
Last Day Class: 5/2/07 Section
Final Exam:
Instructor Contact Information:
Name: Shay Cardell
Office Location: G3
Office Hours: TBA
Phone: 357-6432
Web Page:
E-mail Address:
Meeting Time(s) and Location(s): MW
Textbooks: Introductory and Intermediate Algebra,
Lial, Hornsby McGinnis, Third Edition
Supplemental Materials: Scientific
or Graphing Calculator (TI-83 recommended)
Course Outline: MAT121
Course Outline
Homework Expectations:
Students will complete all
practice assignments by the due dates, using the textbook and online
supplemental materials from MathXL. For every credit
hour earned for the course, the student will spend at least two hours outside
of class working on coursework. Credit for late homework may be reduced by one
half for each day late.
Help: Math tutors will be available to help you. Reference textbooks and computer software are available in the library and math classroom. The Internet is a valuable resource for math tutorials and tools.
Reasonable Disability
Course Calendar/Schedule of Activities: All assignments
will be evaluated based on course outcomes.
Midterm Test
Final Exam
Math Problem Assignments are
due on the dates specified in the Schedule of Assignments
Tests: Failure
to take the midterm exam will at the designated time will result in a midterm
grade of F. There is no make-up for the
midterm or the final exam. Failure to take the final exam at the designated
time will result in a grade no higher than a C.
Grading: Students are graded primarily on the degree to which
they meet learning outcomes, not how much time and effort is put forth in the
course. The grading for this class is
outcomes-based. Students are graded
primarily on the degree to which they meet learning outcomes, not how much time
and effort is put forth in the course.
Classwork and Homework 40%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
90% - 100% A
80% - 89% B
70% - 79% C
60% - 69% D
Note to Students: The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus and delivery
of course content based on the needs of the class.